

Many faculty were responsible for the birth of sustainability at Mason, and for actively promoting curricular integration through their courses. There are a number of ways for faculty to get involved. If you’d like to bring sustainability or research into your course – or propose a course or academic program for Green Leaf sustainability designation in our course catalog – please contact Mason’s Sustainability Coordinator within the Provost’s office.

The Sustainability Studies Advisory Council was established by the Sustainability Coordinator (previously called Fellow of Sustainability Studies) and the Office of the Provost to encourage collegiality and cross-disciplinary thinking around integrating sustainability concepts into curricula and research at Mason.  Membership is open to all Mason faculty.

Faculty interested in engaging students in executing research-oriented projects that can improve Mason’s campuses’ sustainability footprint should check out the Patriot Green Fund program. This program has $100,000 available every school year for research and facility improvement projects that can directly impact Mason’s sustainability.


The Staff at Mason are responsible for the great operational successes we have seen at Mason in regards to sustainability, and continue to be dedicated agents of change.  There are a number of ways for staff to get involved. The Green Office program provides recognition for your office for promoting and participating in sustainable behavior in the course of your daily routine. Find out more about the Green Office program! 

Staff interested in engaging students in executing facility improvement projects that can improve Mason’s campuses’ sustainability footprint should check out the Patriot Green Fund. This program has $100,000 available every school year for research and facility improvement projects that can directly impact Mason’s sustainability.

Integrate sustainability principles into your own areas of responsibility. How can you reduce wasted time or resources during the course of a normal day? How can you encourage a dialogue in sustainability-related topics? If you’d like advice on how to get the ball rolling in your corner of Mason, let us know by emailing gogreen@gmu.edu.