University Sustainability

2017 Projects

(16/17 Academic Year)

In 2017, the PGF supported the 3D Filament project aimed to create a machine that takes plastic water bottles and recycles them into 3D printing filament. Additionally, students involved in the River Ecotoxicology project examined organisms within the Potomac River freshwater tidal food web community to determine composition, analyze various organismal tissues and sediment for micropollutant contaminants, explore the human drivers of these micropollutants, and translate that information to the general public. More about these and other projects can be found below.

Project TitleProject Leader(s)Award AmountProjectPlaceStatus
River EcotoxicologyA. Fowler, K. de Mutsert$12,000Research: Analysis of Potomac River Potomac Science CenterCompleted
3D Filament A. Roberts and J. Recktenwald$2,100Infrastructure: Create a machine that takes plastic water bottles and recycles them into 3D printing filamentFairfax Campus In progress
The Child Development Center (CDC) Garden RevitalizationS. Kulok$960Infrastructure: Revitalize the garden in order to educate children and utilize nature as a learning platform. Fairfax Campus Completed.
Applications of Drones to Conduct Stream and Marsh Physical AssessmentsC.Ferreira and S. Zahirieh$500Research: Use drones as a method for conducting physical assessments of bodies of water with more efficiency than current methods. Fairfax Campus Completed.