University Sustainability’s offices are located in the Facilities Administration Building on Fairfax Campus, on the second floor. Reach out to us at @SustainMason on Instagram, Twitter (X), or Facebook!
Greg Farley
Director of University Sustainability George Mason UniversityBiographical Info
Greg Farley is Director of University Sustainability for George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He has held similar positions at Washington College (Chestertown, MD) and at Chesapeake College (Wye Mills, MD), where he was also an award-winning instructor and director of the Chesapeake College Center for Leadership in Environmental Education. His career in sustainability began as a visiting scholar at the Sustainable Living Institute of Maui (SLIM), part of the University of Hawai‘i Maui College, where he also co-edited a book, “Thinking Like an Island,” with SLIM Director Jennifer Chirico. A biologist by training, he holds degrees from Duke University and Florida State University.