University Sustainability


As a consumer, everyone can make a difference by purchasing goods and services that are sustainable. We can also reduce the amount of goods we need and reuse products.

energy starNot only does this reduce our impact on our waste stream, it reduces the amount of resources needed to make an entirely new product.

George Mason University is committed to purchasing goods and services that are green and sustainable through our Green Purchasing Guidelines. Examples include:

  • Energy and water efficient products, such as ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, WaterSense certified products
  • Fuel Efficient Vehicles
  • Biodegradable, phosphate-free cleaning solvents
  • Biodegradable and compostable products
  • Post-consumer waste recycled paper materials
  • Equipment that can be reuse or recycled by manufactures
  • Services that are locally produced, certified by a third-part certification program, and/or are Small, Woman-owned, and Minority-owned businesses (SWaM)

If your office or department would like to learn more about green purchasing, check out Mason’s Green Office Program.