University Sustainability

PGF Recipients

A group of 8 undergraduate students in front of Mason's hydroponic greenhouse.
The Solar Greenhouse Team received $20,000 from the Patriot Green Fund and additional support from Facilities to install solar panels that will power Mason’s Presidents Park Greenhouse.

PGF Recipients

Since its inception in 2011, the PGF has sponsored over 70 projects spanning sustainability research topics and innovative campus infrastructure projects.

PGF projects include community gardens, water bottle refill stations, campus composting sites, and much more!

Project Title Funding YearProject Leader(s)Award Amount Project PlaceStatus
Mason Square Bigbelly Installation2024/2025Colleen, Amber, Amanda$16,000.00Infrastructure: Aimed to replace open-top waste and recycling bins on Mason Square Plaze with two solar-powered Bigbelly double stations, enhancing waste management and recycling access.Arlington Campus, Mason Square PlazaCompleted
Sustainable RISO Printer2024/2025J Carrier, Christopher Kardambikis, Forrest Lawson$19,000.00Infrastructure: Enhances the Print and Book Arts Studio's sustainable printing capacity through non-toxic Risograph printing, supporting eco-friendly practices in the School of Art and Design's photography, graphic deisgn, and illustration concentrations.Fairfax campus, School of Arts and Design: Sustainable Printmaking and Bookarts StudioCompleted
Mason Dining: Reusable Takeout Container2024/2025Jonathan Elwell, Ian Struble, Gubran Adnan, Caden Garofalo, Katherine Nemergut$15,815.00Infrastructure: A pilot program by Auxiliary Services and Operations aims to enhance sustainability at Mason's Fairfax campus by replacing singe-use containers with reusable OZZi containers, reducing landfill waste and recycling contamination while promoting sustainable practices.Fairfax Campus: The Eaterie in Sub 1In-Process
Turning Trash Into Treasure2023/3024Zach Lane, Nura Behgoman, Isabella Jones$500.00Research: Provides personal composting hars to 5th floor Northern Neck residents, measuring collected compost by weight, and disposes of it in campus compost recepticles, while also conducting voluntary surveys.Northern Neck Residence Hall, 5th FloorCompleted
Foragers Forest2023/2024Dann Sklarew/ Sarah Roth/ Doniella Nolan/ Matt Bright/ Ben Friton$6,500Infrastructure: Built to address educational gaps by creating a food forest focused on native edibles, food security, and wildlife conservtion.

Fairfax Campus: 4460 Aquia Creek Ln, across from Student Union Building ICompleted
Skyline Gym - LED Upgrade2023/2024Michael Nunnally/ Abu Monjer$10,000Infrastructure: Replace lighting fixures with LED fixtures. Saves money through more efficient energy use and enhances the university's environmental responsibility.Fairfax Campus: Skyline Fitness CenterIn-Process
Sod Installation (Erosion Control)2023/2024Christian Ubial/ Brenda Claudio Cruz / Zhongyan Xu$10,000Infrastructure: Restore a 90ft eroded path with sod stabilization and spillway to prevent runoff and protect Mason's waterways.Science and Technology Campus (Prince William)In-Process
Sustainably Yours2023/2024Shemaiah Kentish$200Research: Enhance awareness of thrifting and donation at Mason with informative pamphlets and surveys to encourage sustainable consumption habits.Fairfax CampusIn-Process
Bee Hotel Plantings2023/2024Safiya Farid/ Doniella Nolan$305.75Infrastructure: Enhance institutional biodiversity by expanding the Potomac Heights Garden with native plants near the existing bee hotel.

Fairfax Campus: Potomac Heights GardenCompleted
Data Center Managment System2023/2024Fuad Fatani, Ethan Vo, Nicholas Green, Vi An Nguyen, Benjamin Adams, Luis Walder$755.00Research: A Senior Design project aimed to create a system for monitoring rack-level power consumption in data centers, using web-services to display information and help reduce energy waste and observe power surge patterns.Engineering Building Lab Room, ENGR 3204Completed
MCAA Landscaping Project2023/2024Mathew Geske$6,143.00Infrastructure: Redesigning the landscape around the Academy Building to enhance aesthetics and increase energy efficiency through a sustainable landscaping practices.MCAA Academy Building (4260 Chain Bridge Rd)Completed
EVPP 480: Water Quality Project2023/2024Lucas Graziani, Nicholas Evancho, Alex Reyes, Jordan Jenkins, Dr. Jennifer Sklarew$1,100.00Research: The continuation of past student efforts to assess water quality in Fairfax Campus streams and ponds, identifying pollution sources, and using funds for materials to help MAson reduce polluted runoff and meet MS4 standards.Fairfax CampusCompleted
EVPP 480: Bird Nest Boxes2023/2024Taylor Sagman, Lexi Kurtz, Tanner Pierce, Artem Protsenki, Dr. Dann Sklarew$150.00Infrastructure: Constructed bird nesting boxes with specific dimensions to protect house Wrens and educate on their improtance to promote sustainable, wildlife-considerate infrastructure.Fairfax Campus: Potomac Heights Garden, Innovation Food ForestCompleted
EVPP 480: Urban Heat Island Effect Mitigation2023/2024Kitiara Crosby, Hope Nowacek, Patrick Read, Doni Nolan$500.00Reseach: Aims to mitigate the urban heat island effect and absorb greenhouse emissons by introducing green spaces to the Rapphahannock Reforestation Plot on MGU's Fairfax campus, recording temperature data before and after planting to measure the impact.Fairfax Campus, Rappahannock Reforestaion PlotCompleted
Revitalizing the Piedmont Rain Garden2023/2024SaiJai Supanklang, Eric DeBerry, Matthew Pearson, Dr. Jennifer Sklarew, Donielle Nolan$2,306.00Infrastructure: Objective is to restore existing Rain Garden to ensure efficiency and aesthetic beauty of George Mason's bioretention facilities.Fairfax Campus, Piedmont Rain Garden by the Piedmont dormitoryCompleted
Better Bins Initiative2023/2024Amber Saxton, Colleen Regan, Kevin Brim$17,000.00Infrastructure: In alignment with George Mason’s updated Design Manual for zero waste, the PGF funds were used to purchase Max-R stations that meet new standards. Launching under the Mason Zero Waste program, this initiative meets or exceeds new Standards like co-location, unique hole openings by stream, color coded and pictured based labeling, and other elements included in the updated Design Manual. Developed collaboratively with partners, this initative includes waste diversion and contamination audits to improve Mason's waste diversion rate and zero waste goals.All campus locations: Will not remain where they are tested, rather be moved for testing every semesterin-process
Green Studio2022/2023J. Ashworth$1,250Infrastructure: To revitalize the Green Studio garden with native, pollinating plants that will facilitate long-term maintenance.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Pollen Pals2022/2023R. Robninson $1,500 Infrastructure: Restoring the Honey Bee pollinator garden with native plants at the Honey Bee Apiary near Roberts Road.

Two volunteers preparing holes for planting.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Center for Fine Arts - Recycling Bins2022/2023M. Glascock$17,500 Infrastructure: Replacing bins with strategic waste stations that include co-located recycling.

Fairfax CampusCompleted
Electrical and Computer Engineering Smart Bee Hive2022/2023N. Peixoto$600 Research: Prototype designed to improve beekeeping practices by using technology to monitor the health and behavior of bees while providing real-time data to beekeepers.

Student in a bee suit installing electronics into a bee hive.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Virtual Reality Bee Hive2022/2023C. Yu$3,000 Research: Prototype to create a novel virtual reality teleoperated beehive system by integrating virtual reality (VR), computer vision, human-computer interaction, networking, and robotics. Fairfax CampusIn progress
Greenhouse Promotional Signage2022/2023K. Rutherford$100 Infrastructure: To install temporary signage to promote opportunities with the Greenhouse and Gardens Program.

Fairfax CampusCompleted
Potomac Science Center Refill Station2022/2023A. Fowler$3,500 Infrastructure: To install a water bottle refill stations at the Potomac Science Center. Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Point of View Pollinator Landscaping2022/2023J. Avila-Franco$19,000 Infrastructure: To revitalize landscaping by installing pollinator and native-friendly plantings around Point of View’s main building.

Point of ViewCompleted
Art Supply Sharing Cabinet2022/2023Y. Salem$1,700 Infrastructure: A free art supply sharing resource located in the School of Art to promote reuse of materials and divert items from the trash.

Large gray cabinet with glass doors filled with art supplies.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Storm Drain Marking2022/2023I. Tronin$350Infrastructure: To apply painted labels near curbside storm inlets to deter dumping.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Mason Exhibitions: 100 Trees2022/2023Y. Salem$1,200 Infrastructure: Artist Katie Kehoe and a group of volunteers planting 100 native trees on Fairfax campus. This project is a socially engaged performance action, accompanying several artworks by Kehoe in the public art exhibition, Approaching Event Horizons: Projects on Climate Change, presented by Mason Exhibitions. Photo by: Sierra Guard/Creative Services/George Mason University

Fairfax CampusCompleted
Vertical Shelving for Presidents Park Greenhouse2022/2023D. Nolan$2,800 Infrastructure: Mechanical Engineering Senior Design project to maximize space in Mason's Hydroponic Greenhouse.

Fairfax CampusCompleted
Reusable Container Kiosk2022/2023A. Saxton$1,250 Infrastructure: Mechanical Engineering Senior Design project to create a 2.0 prototype of a reusable container kiosk.

Fairfax CampusIn progress
Summer Team Impact Project: Greenhouse Automation2022/2023N. Peixoto$50 Research: Continuing work to create a system of autonomous control of Mason's hydroponic greenhous with Electrical Engineering students. Fairfax CampusIn progress
Cherry Blossom Monitoring2022/2023J. Roth; J. Auerbach, D. Kepplinger, D. Hanley$1,300 Research: A graduate student research project to predict the timing of cherry tree blossoms at Mason Pond.Fairfax CampusIn progress
Solar Powered Greennhouse2022/2023C. Bowers$20,000 Infrastructure: George Mason University student-led PGF and Facilities project installing solar panels at the Presidents Park Greenhouse.

A group of 8 undergraduate students in front of Mason's hydroponic greenhouse.
Fairfax CampusIn progress
Greenhouse Automation2021/2022A. Silvas$1,000 Infrastructure: Continuing work to create a system of autonomous control of Mason's hydroponic greenhouse.

Students in the greenhouse working with electronics.
Fairfax CampusIn progress
Reusable Container Kiosk2021/2022A. Penaflor$2,000 Infrastructure: Prototype of reusable container return kiosk for Mason dining.

Reusable container kiosk with display screen and open door to show bin on the inside.
Fairfax CampusIn progress
Soil Organic Matter and Carbon Research2021/2022C. Ahn$3,500 Research: Study analyzed the effects of fertilization and plant diversity on the soil color of wetland mesocosms.

Students and faculty working in a forested area.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Bigbelly Solar Compactor for Compost2021/2022C. Cuevo, C. Regan, A. Saxton$6,000 Infrastructure: Adding "Bigbelly" compost bin for pilot units near the Starbucks in the Northern Neck building.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Locker Room Renovation2021/2022O. Weiss$10,000 Infrastructure: The Men's Soccer Team locker room was renovated for the first time in 35 years featuring sustainable upgrades including new lockers made from recycled content and responsibly sourced materials, a dimmer switch with mercury-free and energy-efficient LED lights and new flooring constructed from bio-based materials.

Men's locker room with wooden lockers, LED lights, and new flooring.
Photo by: Shelby Burgess/Strategic Communications/George Mason University
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Bee Hotels2021/2022J. Espinoza$250 Infrastructure: Mason bee habitats in the Innovation Food Forest.

Bee hotel on a fence posted with informative signage.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Sustainable Print Studio2021/2022C. Kardambinkis$20,000 Infrastructure: Risograph and papermaking supplies for the School of Art's Print and Book Arts studio.

Risograph machine
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Sustainable Fridge2021/2022C. Flores$1,000 Infrastructure: Fridge that reduces food waste by keeping produce fresh for longer done in partnership with Department of Nutrition and Food Studies.

Open fridge displaying four inner coolers. One of them is open with leafy greens inside.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Filterra Sign2021/2022Z. Zulfugarov$200 Infrastructure: Signage for Mason's "Filterra" stormwater management feature.

Sign next to Filterra system in a Mason parking lot.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Sediment Coring2021/2022M. Badia$3,000 Research: Study to further understand the historical inputs of several anthropogenic pollutants through sediment core sampling.

Potomac Science CenterCompleted
3-D Filament Recycling 2021/2022T. Nielsen$1,000 Infrastructure: Recycling of 3-D printing filament located in the MIX through Terracycle.

Tall rectangular box labeled for 3D filament recycling next to 3D printers in the MIX.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Green Studio Garden Expansion2021/2022D. Nolan$1,000 Infrastructure: Expansion of the Green Studio garden at the School of Art.

Student volunteers posing next to finished garden planting along the front of the School of Art.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Max-R Unit2021/2022A. Saxton and C.Regan$5,000 Infrastructure: Indoor waste unit for compost pilot at Northern Neck StarbucksFairfax CampusCompleted
Waste Diversion Measurements for Campus Vert-I-Pack Compactors2020/2021A. Mieses$5,000 Research: To continue work of creating a sensor package capable of transmitting waste data from campus containers to Facilities Management. *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.

A team of students standing next to their completed prototype
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Repair and Enhancement of Solar Work Station2020/2021M. Reichley$5,000 Infrastructure: To assess the condition, diagnose, and repair the electrical and structural inefficiencies to enhance the solar work station outside of Panda Express.
*Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.

Team of students inspecting the solar powered work station
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Storm Drain Robot2020/2021N. Ilachinski$5,000 Infrastructure: To improve upon the design and creation of a storm drain robot to monitor Mason's storm water systems *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.
A team of Mechanical Engineering students test the robot with Mason Facilities
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Rappahannock Reforestation2020/2021S. Chapin$1,000 Infrastructure: To continue the Rappahannock parking deck reforestation initiative by planting three Flowering Dogwood Trees and 5 Inkberry shrubs to enrich biodiversity outside of the Rappahannock Parking Deck. Three volunteers are posed around a Flowering Dogwood treeFairfax CampusCompleted
Potomac Science Center: Purple Martin House2020/2021C. Smith$1,000 Infrastructure: Installation of a Purple Martin bird house at the Potomac Science Center.
A bird house mounted on a pole with Belmont Bay in the background.
Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Compost Pile Renovation - Potomac Heights Vegetable Garden2020/2021J. Batchelor, E. Konchan, and D. Nolan$1,000 Infrastructure: A new structure to hold the compost piles at the Potomac Heights Vegetable garden. Fairfax Campus In progress
Honey Bee Pollinator Garden2020/2021C. Merrick, D. Nolan$2,000 Infrastructure: A new bee hive pollinator garden near Robert's Rd on the Fairfax campus.A long rectangular garden located along a fence line next to a series of bee hivesFairfax CampusCompleted
Bigbelly Solar Compactors2020/2021C. Cuevo, C. Regan, A. Saxton$12,000 Infrastructure: Pilot of a solar-powered, 2-bin "Bigbelly" waste and recycling compacting unit near the Starbucks in the Northern Neck building.Fairfax CampusIn progress
Rappahannock Reforestation2020/2021E. Hagerty, D. Sklarew$1,000 Infrastructure: To restore the Rappahannock parking deck by planting four new trees and one shrub to enrich biodiversity outside of the Rappahannock Parking Deck.

Five students pose around the holly tree that they planted
Fairfax CampusCompleted
ELEMENTS: Arcadia2020/2021Y. Salem, D. Russell$3,000 Infrastructure: Arcadia creates a stream of ever-changing music and light by capturing the natural biorhythms of Virginia native plants and converting them through a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) into sound and light signals.

Student setting up Arcadia installation by attaching electronics to a plant on a shelf in the greenhouse.
Fairfax CampusCompleted - Streaming Now!
Storm Drain Robot2019/2020N. Kathir$7,500 Research: To improve upon the design and creation of a storm drain robot to monitor Mason's storm water systems *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.A student working on the storm water inspection robotFairfax CampusCompleted
Waste Diversion Measurements for Campus Verti Pack Compactors2019/2020N. Kathir$7,500 Research: Sensor package capable of transmitting waste data from campus containers to Facilities Management. *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.Student preparing wood to be cut on a table sawFairfax CampusCompleted
Greenhouse Automation2019/2020D. Nolan$7,500 Infrastructure: A system of autonomous control of Mason's hydroponic greenhouse.Fairfax CampusIn progress
Mason Pond Bathymetry
2019/2020F. Zhang$7,000 Infrastructure: An unmanned surface vehicle for inspection of Mason's storm water structures.
Two Students carrying the unmanned surface vehicle which is an electronic box on top of a surfboard
Farifax CampusCompleted
Piedmont Rain Garden Storm Water Runoff 2019/2020J. Salerno$1,000 Research: Study of microbial communities as bio-indicators of soil erosion in storm water.Farifax CampusCompleted
Compost Tumblers2019/2020D. Nolan$300 Infrastructure: Improve visibility and capacity for campus composting at the Innovation Food Forest.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Pollinator Turf2019/2020J. van der Ham$1,000 Research: Study of changing composition of turf grass lawns for native bee habitats. Fairfax CampusCompleted
Arboretum Signage2019/2020A. Weeks$2,000 Infrastructure: Creating 106 new tree signs that connect to a virtual map to document trees on Mason's campuses to establish an Arboretum.

Two people posing with an installed tree sign on a stake.
Fairfax Campus, Potomac Science Center, Sci Tech, and Point of ViewCompleted
TerraCycle Waste Boxes2019/2020D. Sklarew$350 Infrastructure: Pilot to increase the recycling of 3-D printing filament (located in the MIX), beauty product containers (located in Piedmont Lobby), and snack/chip wrappers (located in the Student Involvement Office in the Hub).
A close-up of the cardboard Terracycle box for beauty products
Fairfax CampusIn progress
Masonvale Geogrid Installation2019/2020B. Claudio$400 Infrastructure: To prevent the clogging of the impervious pavement in the Masonvale community through the installation of a Geo Ground Grid.
Two people installing the plastic geogrid into a trash can enclosure at Masonvale.
Fairfax CampusCompleted
Beverage Capsule Recycling2019/2020D. Sklarew$150 Infrastructure: Pilot to increase the recycling of pre-packaged, single-use beverage products such as discs, packs, capsules, k-cups, or pods.Fairfax CampusIn progress
Bike Fix-It Station 2019/2020J. Walker$500 Infrastructure: To provide bike tools and a portable bike stand for the MIX for bike repair workshops and accessibility Fairfax CampusIn progress
Mason Sun Tracker2018/2019L. Huang$2,000 Infrastructure: Design and build a construct that sustains a self-sufficient device charging station that will contain a solar panel that can autonomously position itself to orthogonally face the sun. Fairfax CampusCompleted
Smoking Urns2018/2019D. Sklarew$2,168 Infrastructure: Signage for smoking urns at the Johnson CenterFairfax CampusCompleted
Microorganisms as Biological Indicators2018/2019J. Salerno, B. Van Aken$4,250 Research: Evaluation of the use of aquatic communities as bioindicators of aquatic habitat quality in the Potomac River.Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Ecological Impacts of Microplastics 2018/2019G. Foster$5,468 Research: Study of microplastics as micropollutants in the Potomac watershed. Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Assessment of Building Envelope2018/2019R. Gallo$7,500 Research: Project continued with progress from previous year. Development of software that interprets thermal images to determine the energy loss of various building materials. *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Waste Diversion Measurements2018/2019R. Gallo$7,500 Research: Sensor package capable of transmitting waste data from campus containers to Facilities Management. *Mechanical Engineering senior capstone project.Fairfax CampusCompleted
Rain Barrel Repair2018/2019D. Sklarew$185 Infrastructure: Restoration of existing rain barrel at the Potomac Heights vegetable garden. Fairfax CampusIn progress: needs new student support, contact to help.
Crushed Glass Filtration2018/2019 A. Close$300 Research: Examine how a crushed glass filter compares to a traditional sand filter that is used in wastewater treatment. Fairfax CampusCompleted
Campus Turf Improvements/Testing 2018/2019A. Wingfield, D. Nolan$350 Research: Determine a mixture of turf grass varieties/cultivators that can be grown organically and maintain the same level of growth and appearance of current campus turf. Fairfax CampusCompleted
Bike Rental Pilot2017/2018J. Walker, A. Saxton $1,000 Infrastructure: Rehabilitate the former Patriot Bikeshare bikes to initiate a free bikeshare program in partnership with Mason Recreation.
Fairfax CampusCompleted. Bicycles can be rented at the RAC.
Bioretention Swales (Vegetation) Improvement on Science and Tech Campus 2017/2018Dr. J. Xu, B. Claudio Cruz, A. Izquierdo$1,400 Infrastructure: Educate and improve function of Bioretention swale facilities and the aesthetic view of the campus. Science and Technology CampusCompleted
Repurposing Abandoned Bikes at Mason2017/2018J. Walker, A. Saxton $2,250 Infrastructure: Rehabilitate abandoned bikes at Mason and, once refurbished and branded, use them to pilot a semester-long bike rental program. Fairfax CampusCompleted
Sustaining Wildlife at Potomac Science Center 2017/2018Dr. C. Smith, A. Palmer $4,744 Infrastructure: Raise awareness of native wildlife species to create citizen science data collection opportunities and to demonstrate how positive human actions impact wildlife on Mason campuses.Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Assessment of Building Envelope2017/2018R. Gallo$7,500 Infrastructure: Sensor package and delivery system for assessing thermal loss in buildingsFairfax and Science and Technology campusCompleted
Storm Drain Non-Destruction Inspection2017/2018R. Gallo$7,500 Infrastructure: Sensor package and delivery system for storm drainsFairfax CampusCompleted. See articles about Thunder Rats project.
SDI VibeCore-Mini Sediment Corer 2017/2018E. Lang, Dr. G. Foster $8,315 Research: Collect and analyze tidal Potomac River marsh sediments for the presence, concentrations and depth profiles of various pesticides that have both urban and agricultural uses, ranging from recent to historical applications over the past nine decades.Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Food-Web Impacts of Pharmaceutical & Personal Care Products PEREC2017/2018Dr. G. Foster, Dr. T. Huff$9,000 Research: Identifying and collecting representative organisms in three areas of the Potomac River.Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Water Bottle Refill Stations2017/2018M. Lo, L. Buraczynski $10,674 Infrastructure: Increase the availability of water bottle refill stations while decreasing the amount of waste generated by plastic water bottles on Mason's Fairfax and Arlington campuses.Arlington and Fairfax campusesCompleted
Micro hydroturbines2017/2018J. Sklarew, C. Reagle, N. Moravitz$15,700 Infrastructure: renewable power generation from stormwater runoffFairfax CampusIn progress
Nguyen Recycling Centers 2017/2018M. Lo, M. Liang$29,000 Infrastructure: Increase recycling infrastructure in the Engineering building Fairfax CampusCompleted
Piedmont Rain Garden Restoration 2017/2018E. Watkins, A.Wingfield, D. Nolan$998 Infrastructure: Add plants to improve stormwater benefits at the Piedmont Rain Garden. Fairfax CampusCompleted
3D Filament 2016/2017A. Roberts and J. Recktenwald$2,100 Infrastructure: Create a machine that takes plastic water bottles and recycles them into 3D printing filamentFairfax Campus Completed
River Ecotoxicology2016/2017A. Fowler, K. de Mutsert$12,000 Research: Analysis of Potomac River Potomac Science CenterCompleted
Applications of Drones to Conduct Stream and Marsh Physical Assessments2016/2017C.Ferreira and S. Zahirieh$500 Research: Use drones as a method for conducting physical assessments of bodies of water with more efficiency than current methods. Fairfax Campus Completed
The Child Development Center (CDC) Garden Revitalization2016/2017S. Kulok$960 Infrastructure: Revitalize the garden in order to educate children and utilize nature as a learning platform. Fairfax Campus Completed
Organic Turf Pilot2015/2016J. Storvick$5,000 Infrastructure: Pilot organic turf managementFairfax Campus Completed
Smoking Urn Pilot2015/2016J. Walker and B. Ericson$6,500 Infrastructure: Smoking urns and 25' signageFairfax Campus Completed
Green Roof Research2015/2016P. Houser$20,000 Research: Green roof elementsFairfax Campus Completed
Fairfax-Area Household Canvassing as a Climate Change Communication Strategy2015/2016C. Clarke$500 ResearchFairfax Campus Completed
Climate Control Analytics2015/2016A. O'Connor$832 Research: HVAC toolFairfax Campus Completed
Water bottle refill stations2014/2015E. Wichers and others$6,000 Infrastructure: Retro-fit and new water fountains for reusable bottlesFairfax Campus Continues today. Most buildings have at least 1 water bottle refill station.
Instruments in the Attic 2014/2015M. Geske$10,000 Infrastructure: Re-use of musical instrumentsFairfax Campus Completed
Methane Bio-digester2014/2015C. Reagle, J. Bynum$12,000 Research: Food waste to energyFairfax Campus Discontinued due to technical issues
Wetland Restoration at Huntley Meadows Park2013/2014C. Ahn$1,000 ResearchCompleted
Identifying Chyrtridiomycosis in Amphibian Populations2013/2014K. Curtain$1,000 ResearchCompleted
Campus Community Garden2013/2014C. Campbell$3,000 Infrastructure: create a campus gardenPrince William CampusCompleted
Campus Community Garden2013/2014E. Dupuis$15,000 Infrastructure: Create a fee-based community gardenFairfax CampusCompleted: Potomac Heights Vegetable Garden
Eco-mow2013/2014J. Force$17,000 Research: biomass powered lawn mowerFairfax CampusCompleted: doing business as Iron Goat Tech
BioFilter Installation2013/2014S. Hess, B. Gladfelter$20,000 Infrastructure: Installation of biofilter for stormwater management in parking areaFairfax CampusDiscontinued due to regulatory environment but a separate project installed one by Shenandoah Parking Deck in 2017
Patriots Initiating Kinetic Energy2013/2014M. Ahmed$20,000 Infrastructure: Kinetic energy bikes in gymFairfax CampusDiscontinued due to equipment challenges
Green Patriots Reforestation2013/2014C. Harris$21,000 Infrastructure: Reforestation of impacted spaceFairfax CampusContinues today in front of Rappahannock Parking Deck
Solar Concentrator2012/2013P. Pachowicz$1,000 Research: concentrated solarFairfax CampusCompleted
Aquaponics Solar Garden 2012/2013A. Cadien$1,100 Research: aquaponics tankFairfax CampusCompleted
eWaste collection2012/2013K. Hopper$4,500 Infrastructure: electronic waste collection binsFairfax CampusCompleted: Located in Johnson Center
Solar Charging Station2012/2013G. Manno$12,000 Infrastructure: Purchase a solar charging stationFairfax CampusCompleted: Located in front of Manhattan Pizza at Merten Hall
Solar Charging Station2012/2013S. Stein$12,000 Infrastructure: Engineering students build a solar charging stationFairfax CampusCompleted: Located in front of Panda Express at Merten Hall
Innovation Food Forest2012/2013E. Torrens$27,000 Infrastructure: create edible, permaculture gardenFairfax CampusCompleted: Next to Innovation Hall
Increasing Local Food on Mason's Campus2011/2012C. Boules$1,600 ResearchFairfax CampusCompleted
Educational Rain Garden2011/2012S. Remer, L. Roe$3,000 Infrastructure: Student design and installation of rain gardenFairfax CampusCompleted: Located in front of Piedmont and Tidewater residence halls
Mini Trash Bins2011/2012M. Aziz$4,500 Research: Mini-trash bins and recycling pilot in University HallFairfax CampusDiscontinued after pilot
Mason Apiary2011/2012K. Curtis$5,000 Infrastructure: Beehives on campusFairfax CampusIn progress: Needs new student support to continue, contact to help. (Initial project completed).
Community Garden2011/2012C. Shotwell$6,000 Infrastructure: Campus garden at Prince William campusFairfax CampusCompleted
Climate Messaging in Residence Halls2011/2012S. Keltner$6,000 Research: Climate messaging in various residence hallsFairfax CampusCompleted
Recycling Centers2011/2012D Wyman, J. Biedel$17,750 Infrastructure: Multi-stream recycling centersFairfax CampusCompleted: Located in several locations such as Johnson Center, Student centers, Merten Hall, Founders Hall
External Recycling Bins for Residence Halls2011/2012D. Waxman$25,000 Infrastructure: Exterior Recycling Collection BinsFairfax CampusCompleted
Patriot Bike Share2011/2012T. Orton$36,000 Infrastructure: bike share programFairfax CampusDiscontinued due to vendor challenges

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