Happy Campus Earth Month Patriots!

University Sustainability exemplifies Mason’s commitment to a just and sustainable future for all.
Join us in supporting the Mason Community in its mission.
Mason celebrates many sustainable programs, events, and initiatives during Campus Earth Month!
Explore our Campus Earth Month Calender for featured events we encourage all Mason Patriots to attend to make an impact!


Bioblitz Frog ID Event

Mason Pond, Fairfax Campus

RAIN DATE: April 2 from 6:30PM - 8:00PM Join Environmental Intern & Naturalist, Nayeli, for an evening Bioblitz workshop to identify frogs and other amphibians. […]

Student Government Environmental Fair

HUB Ballroom

Explore opportunities for green jobs, clubs, and programs at Mason and beyond! Find out how to get connected to nature on campus and throughout NOVA! […]

Foragers’ Forest Planting Day

Foragers' Forest, Fairfax Campus

This week, Foragers’ Forest maintenance included trash pickup in the adjacent forest! You’ll  never believe what we found! Can you spot it? We welcome everyone […]

Zero Waste Mason Civic Fellows Tabling

Johnson Center, Fairfax Campus

Learn about Mason's Zero Waste initiatives!   We'll be at the Kiosk B of the Johnson Center from 11AM - 2PM.


Every action matters.
Let’s act more sustainably individually and as a Mason community to make the university even more sustainable!
Integrate the sustainability topics you care about into your day-to-day: class projects, academic courses, research, and your work at Mason.

Let’s act this Campus Earth Month, every day, and every month!